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Critic #1: Kito

Emulation feedback: One of the first reactions of Kito was quite promising but also very helpful of the approach I need to take through my revisions. He approved of the different sections that I pieced together however it does not create a smooth flow throughout my infographic which my Layout Model does very well. First of all, I should have each of the sections in an aligned order, meaning that divide up my infographic from top to bottom into 6 different segments and make the illustrations fit within the borders. By doing this it will not only give me a lot more space that I can work with but it will allow me to increase the size of my texts which is one of the most critical issues I'm facing since the smallest text is 3 points which will be extremely difficult to see once its printed out.

Based on Kito's feedback I went back to my first version of the infographic in order to move all of my elements into a single file line from top to bottom in the exception of the Block Versions & Payload Data, making it 5 segments but I need to refine it within the next revision. These two relate to each other in a way that they show information of the statistics of the booster, one with performance and the other with the capability to deliver. I've also expanded the entire infographic, thus my smallest text font is 5.75 points with will show up without any problems on the printed out version. 


Critic #2: Julian

Emulation feedback: Julian approved both of my Visual Language Model and Color Model emulation, although the Relationship element needs to be improved because it does not yet filled in with the rocket models that are present in the other sections of the infographic. He also recommends to experiment with the background color since my Color Model changes from a light background to a darker background with a light element that divides the sections. This would give a vibrant color theme instead of a static and constant theme. Julian recommends to stick with the first layout due to the horizontal elements that is consistent throughout my design with a few exceptions, especially when it comes to the charts. I could either re-orientate the order or completely modify the charts into a more simplistic approach that also represents my Models much more accurately.

I followed through with Julian's critique by applying an alternating medium/dark blue background color within my infographic with an experimental conclusion showing a SpaceX astronaut which is one of their ultimate goals. I took his idea by sticking with the first vertical layout due to the way it fits with my Time Element, unfortunately with my horizontal layout the that element got disrupted by the edges instead of having a smooth finish around the borders of the page. I also added a title section where currently a SpaceX logo is present to immediately resonate the viewers what they can expect to see from this infographic.


Critic #3: Sean

Emulation feedback: Sean was focusing on my Typography Model throughout the critique session. All of my other Models seems to be in a healthy situation, however the way I have my layout for my infographic does not leave enough room to be able to see some of my smallest fonts that I've been consistently portraying throughout the project. The best option here would be to change the layout size from a 11" x 17" to a longer size that would allow my elements to be presented right under each other although this would mean that I have to print out my infographic. Sean recommended to reach out to the UW Art School and see if I can use their printer. I also need to apply a lighting effect for the titles in order to clearly divide the sections and highlight the titles as well.

As per Sean's suggestion I've changed the size of my layout from a 11" x 17" to approximately 14" x 40" in order to accommodate all of the visuals and its smallest font sizes. This also means that I will have to print out my infographic but thankfully I've already made accommodations with the UW Art School to print it out before the deadline. However due to the increase of the size I have to adjust my text fonts in the next revision. Finally, I made sure to add divisions between each of the segments in a similar style to my Visual Language Model, a horizontal line with a slight glow effect.


Critic #1: Cindy

Emulation feedback: Cindy's first impression of the newly redesigned revision of my time chart was relieving in a way that all of my elements resonated with my Color Model and my Visual Language with a few exceptions such as my Block Versions & Payload Data. These elements are not quite fitting due to the charts and the rocket models are not being filled in while the data focuses on the Falcon Heavy and not necesarrily the Falcon 9. It would be interesting to see how I can apply the Falcon Heavy, Red/Gray Dragon and the ITS into these categories. Also, make sure to apply gradients or shadows for both of the sides of the infographic, similar of how my Color Model is alternating gradients in order remove the static background and switch it to a more dynamic feel.

Following Cindy's critique I've made several changes to the layout to include more element's to SpaceX's mission and fleet of rockets and capsules. First, I added a full scale model of the Falcon Heavy and the Interplanetary Transportation System to the Numbers elements, this allows more statistics to be shown and really gives a perspective when comparing similar rockets in its category. I also made sure to apply shadows and lights to my rocket models to create a dynamic 3D feature that simulates the light source (Sun) at a 65 degree angle above. 


Critic #2: Bryce

Emulation feedback: Bryce approved of the dividing lines features which I was worried about since I've been experimenting with glowing effects for the past few months. It's promising that not only I'm learning a new skill I never used before but it also emulates my Color Model as well. Bryce suggests to pay close attention to the lines and arrows that my Visual Language is presenting since the "​​Process of Building, Testing,and Launching Falcon 9" element doesn't really justify the arrows that are being used by my Model. Instead of using a large arrow and gray body I should change it to a more prominent color and make it about 3 points Stroke for the line. Also I should show the progression of terraforming Mars through a minimalistic approach, since this is SpaceX's ultimate goal; to make human-kind multi planetary species, this visualization would be great to show in the footer section, right behind the SpaceX astronaut.

I followed through Bryce's advice by first renaming the long title I originally used for my Relationship Element to "Process of Manufacturing and Launching", simpler title that captures what the element is showcasing. Another changes I've made was reiterate on all of the lines and arrows based on my Visual Language Model, now all of the Weight on the lines are 1 points, giving it a sleek but noticeable enclosure. I decided not to include terraforming planets (Mars) within my infographics since that would violate my Models, instead I took a different approach where I designed minimalistic planets and asteroids to feature it among the title section giving it a layered system; title section focuses on space and planets while the footer section features a landing spacecraft and an astronaut holding a flag.


Layout Element & Critiques

With my layout the intention is to present the entire processes of SpaceX from its foundation to its near future by incorporating launch events, success/failure rate, the locations around the world and other statistical illustrations. At the very top of the layout there is a timeline of all of their launches where it also shows the curvature of the orbit the payload has been delivered, this creates a separation between the main body and the head of the page where the title will go. Below the timeline a map is present with additional information such as the location of Cape Canaveral and an illustration of the Falcon 9 launching and landing. This map is placed in the middle and expanded to the sides to highlight all of the visuals that helps the viewer path-find around the small details.  Next up the bottom part of the layout is broken into 4 section which focuses on unique characteristics and statistics of SpaceX, such as the process of how they build their rockets, how much a single Falcon 9 cost and how it compares to other rockets payload capability on the market.


How this element emulates the layout models: The current layout is in a vertical configuration which is based off of the Layout Model I've selected for my Infographic. Here the top section is focusing on the title and the main subject that explains the purpose of the company and shows the process of their progress which is presented with all of their missions. Next, the middle section focuses on one main subject that is broken up into sub-sections to further narrow down the details. At the end section its divided into 4 areas that are presented by a smaller scale visuals. 

The Infographic features key components that encapsulates the foundation, current progress and the future SpaceX is navigating. Each of the different systems present an unique perspective of how it drives the company towards success compared to other competitors in the field while it also highlights statistical and visual facts about more narrowed down elements. My entire infographics is divided into 6 different parts, Falcon Launches, Making History, mission control, Process of Manufacturing & launching, Rockets of the worlds, and finally capabilities & services. Within my layout, the title section hold the name of my Infographics which is titled SpaceX, and below that is my name to give credibility. Both the header and the footer section of the infographics represents thin minimalistic sketches of planets, an astronaut and a landing rocket.

The sub-titles for each of the sections starts out with a glowing first word to put an emphasis of what the elements are highlighting. The first word is continued by a shorter, dimmer and thinner word finishing off the rest of the sub-title. Between each of the elements there is a horizontal divider that illuminates with a glowing white and turquoise light, creating breathable space throughout my infographics.



Critic #3: Antonia

Emulation feedback: Antonia complimented the way I was following my Models while also being bold for reiterating some elements to better fit within the rocketry terms and visualizations. She recommended that I should dedicate more space for the title in order to incorporate a section to explain what the viewer will expect to see throughout the infographic while also learning what the purpose of SpaceX is. Another fitting feature (that would strengthen the resemblance with my Visual Language Model) would be adding a few sentences for each of the subtitles to explain either the process or the visualization, almost like a backstory or a quick summary. One last important note that Antonia recommended is to pay close attention to how I incorporate both my Typography and Visual Language Model into together. The first word of every sub-title has a glowing and bolding effect while the rest is just neutral, try incorporating this and see if it enhances the meaning behind the sub-titles.

To reflect the last critique from Antonia I focused mainly on the overall presentation and consistency of the infographic. I made sure to leave space for the creative but accurate title and for each of the sub-titles/descriptions within them explaining what kind of stories and statistics the elements represent. I also went over my typography in order to make sure that its a matching emulation of my Pragmatic Typography Model, meaning that the weight, size and the font are consistent in their own space and category. Finally, to add conclusive touches I added lighting feature for every first word of the sub-titles just like in my Visual Language Model and separated each of the elements by a luminescent line.


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